
Low Density (LD) & Very Low Density (VLD) Single Family

Area: 406.1 AC. (LD) |  306.5 ac. (VLD)

density range: 2 – 4 DU/Ac (LD) | 0.1 – 2 DU/Ac (VLD)

Minimum units: 809 DU (LD) | 29 DU (VLD)

Maximum units: 1,623 DU (LD) | 612 DU (VLD)

Through its PUD, Sweetgrass aims to encourage community design that embraces the ranches’
natural features and short grass prairie. Development within Sweetgrass should promote a community vision committed to a comfortable western lifestyle and high-quality of life. By creating smaller residential planning areas with a variety of residential products and density, we hope to foster a rich community texture and diversity, meeting the needs of students, singles, families, empty‐nesters, and retirees.